Model Driven Architecture (MDA)

The Model Driven Architecture (MDA) is an open, vendor-neutral approach to interoperability using OMG's modeling specifications: and .

As new platforms and technologies emerge, MDA enables rapid development of new specifications that use them, streamlining the process of integration. The intent of  MDA is to provide a comprehensive, structured solution for application interoperability and portability into the future.

The architecture encompasses a range of services already specified by OMG, including Directory Services, Event Handling, Persistence, Transactions, and Security. The core logic of many of these services is already available for multiple implementation technologies; for instance, Sun's J2EE platform uses Java interfaces to CORBA's transactions and security services. MDA should make it easier and faster to design similar multiple-platform interfaces to common services.

MDA also enables the creation of standardized Domain Models for specific vertical industries. These standardized models can be realized for multiple platforms now and in the future, presumably easing multiple platform integration issues and protecting IT investments against the uncertainty of changing fashions in platform technology.


More information: MDA page on the OMG website

Context for Model Driven Architecture (MDA)

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